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Teeth Whitening for Sensitive Teeth: What to Expect

Teeth Whitening for Sensitive Teeth: What to Expect

If you have sensitive teeth, you may have had bad experiences with teeth whitening. Or maybe you’ve heard that teeth whitening can sometimes cause sensitivity, so you opted out of it altogether.

But if your teeth aren’t as white as you prefer, you don’t have to just live with it. There are still plenty of options for teeth whitening that will minimize sensitivity to your teeth. The providers at Dental Art of South Bay explain more about teeth whitening for sensitive teeth here.

What causes stained teeth

Some staining of your teeth happens over time. You can get stained teeth by consuming the following:

Also, as you get older, the dentin inside of your teeth naturally tends to get darker. You may find that your teeth look a little more dull as you age.

Get a pre-treatment evaluation

It’s always a good idea to get a pre-treatment dental evaluation before beginning any teeth whitening procedures. We can determine whether or not you have any issues such as thin enamel that may make your teeth more likely to experience sensitivity.

If you have any dental issues, such as cavities or unhealthy gums, you’ll want to address those before beginning any teeth whitening procedures. Cavities and unhealthy gums can make teeth whitening much more painful.

How to make teeth whitening less painful

If your teeth are sensitive, there are several things we can do to minimize the sensitivity of teeth whitening. They are as follows:

Use a lower concentration

The chemicals we use to whiten your teeth usually contain some form and concentration of hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. If you expect your teeth to be sensitive, we can use a lower concentration of peroxide until you receive the desired results.

Space out your bleaching treatments

Although we usually schedule multiple sessions for bleaching treatments as close together as once a week, we can space them out further apart if you’re experiencing sensitivity. We might space them out as much as three months or even longer to reduce sensitivity.

Reduce the amount of bleaching agents

When you get professional teeth whitening, the dentist fills a tray with bleaching agents. If you have sensitive teeth, you may have less of the bleaching agents put in your trays.

How to reduce sensitivity after teeth whitening

If you’ve gotten your teeth whitened and you find that your teeth are more sensitive now, there are a few things you can do to reduce the sensitivity.

You can use special toothpaste to reduce sensitivity, such as Sensodyne®. You can use a soft-bristled toothbrush and wear a night guard as well.

You should also avoid consuming certain foods or beverages which are known to hurt sensitive teeth. These include highly acidic foods, such as citrus foods, pickles, and soda. You should also limit or avoid eating ice cream, as this can also damage sensitive teeth; both the cold temperature and the concentration of sugar can hurt.

If you want to get your teeth whitened but have concerns about tooth sensitivity, call us at Dental Art of South Bay to schedule a consultation today.

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